►By using this app You will learn and practice the following skills:
☆Build brands from a broad organisational perspective
☆Lead brand-led culture change with human resource practices at the core
☆Build brands in multi-brand companies, across cultures and geographies
☆Measure brand health in new ways, that is, internally in addition to externally
☆Value and capture returns to brands across the organisation
►Brand management begins with having a thorough knowledge of the term “brand”. It includes developing a promise, making that promise and maintaining it. It means defining the brand, positioning the brand, and delivering the brand. Brand management is nothing but an art of creating and sustaining the brand. Branding makes customers committed to your business. A strong brand differentiates your products from the competitors. It gives a quality image to your business.✦
►Brand management includes managing the tangible and intangible characteristics of brand. In case of product brands, the tangibles include the product itself, price, packaging, etc. While in case of service brands, the tangibles include the customers’ experience. The intangibles include emotional connections with the product / service.✦
【Few important topics covered are Listed here】
⇢ Brand Management - Overview
⇢ History of Branding
⇢ Brand Essence
⇢ Elements of a Brand
⇢ Brand Management versus Product Management
⇢ Brand Terminology
⇢ Brand Management - Diversity
⇢ Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Brands
⇢ Luxury Brands
⇢ Business to Business (B2B) Brands
⇢ Identifying and Establishing Brand Positioning
⇢ Defining and Establishing Brand Values
⇢ Branding for Global Markets
⇢ Brand Promotion Methods
⇢ Role of Brand Ambassadors and Celebrities
⇢ Online Brand Promotions
⇢ Brand Management - Extension
⇢ Brand Adaption Practices
⇢ Factors that Influence Brand Extension
⇢ Relaunching
⇢ Brand Management - Co-branding
⇢ Types of Co-branding
⇢ Co-branding for Business Growth
⇢ Celebrity Endorsement
⇢ Brand Management - Performance
⇢ Launching a Brand
⇢ Sustaining a Brand in the Long Run
⇢ Adapting the Brand to Suit Various Markets
⇢ Handling Brand Name Changes
⇢ Handling Brand Transfer
⇢ Brand Management - Leveraging
⇢ Importance of Brand Leveraging
⇢ Role of Brand Managers in Brand Leveraging
⇢ Brand Management - Valuation
⇢ What is Brand Audit?
⇢ Brand Equity Measurement
⇢ Financial Metrics
⇢ Strength Metrics
⇢ Consumer Metrics
⇢ Employer and Employee Branding
⇢ CEO as a Brand Leader
⇢ Brand Value Measurement
⇢ Tips for Successful Brand Management
⇢ Brands And Branding Basics
⇢ What is Branding?
⇢ The Nature Of Relationship Of Brand With Customers
⇢ Concept of Involvement and Branding
⇢ Building Successful Brands
⇢ Brand Associations And Brand Image
⇢ Brand Loyalty
⇢ Brand Relationship
⇢ Customer Insight-Driven Relationship
⇢ Customer Equity Is Driven by Brand Equity
⇢ Brand Management Process
⇢ The Brand is Everything
⇢ Brand Evolution
⇢ Branding in the 1990s: Brand Categorization
⇢ The Evolution of a Brand
⇢ Value Of Brands
⇢ Brand Planning And Brand Potential
⇢ Brands And Consumer Buying Process
⇢ Consumer Search For Brand Information
⇢ The Fundamentals of Brand Management
⇢ Define Your Brand
⇢ What is a Business Model?
⇢ Develop brand guidelines.
⇢ Conducting a SWOT analysis
⇢ Why every entrepreneur should have a business mentor
⇢ Preparing a risk management plan and business impact analysis
⇢ Identify risks to your business
⇢ Analyse and evaluate the impact of risks
⇢ Treat risks to your business
⇢ Common business scams
⇢ Refusing to pay
⇢ Brand Resonance
⇢ Reinforcing Brands
⇢ Brand Revitalization
⇢ Managing Brands over Geographic Boundaries and Market Segment
⇢ Behavioral Branding as a Customer-Centric Strategy
⇢ Unique Strategies To Improve Your Brand
⇢ Event Planning Business Plan
⇢ What is Brand Competition?
⇢ Types of Brand Competition
⇢ Ways to defend against Brand Competition :
⇢ What is Brand Awareness ?
⇢ Corporate Branding
⇢ Brand Promise